豪厄尔山农场通过提供天然种植的当地蔬菜来支持外围投注的使命, 水果, and flowers to its students and employees as well as to the residents of Angwin and the Napa Valley; it also connects students (both college and K-12) with their Creator and the land through experiences with growing food for themselves and others. 进一步, 它吸引了那些想要在爱上帝和爱邻居的基础上接受园艺实践教育的学生.
豪厄尔山农场的愿景是提供在PUC餐饮公地和豪厄尔山市场销售的蔬菜的重要部分 & Deli; to provide a living, working laboratory for general education and major courses for PUC students; to teach the love of their Creator to the K-12 students of Howell Mountain and beyond through tilling the soil; to strengthen our community by reminding all who come to the farm stand that they are part of God's family.
HMF位于Angwin机场附近的PUC农场的历史遗址上, 从1909年建校之初,谁就为学校提供食物.
我们喜欢称我们的方法为“自然”.“HMF产品是在没有任何化学喷雾的情况下种植的. 与许多人认为的相反,“有机”确实如此 不 自动表示“无农药”或“无化学物质”.事实上, 加州的有机认证农民被允许在他们的作物上使用各种各样的化学喷雾剂和粉末.
确保你的食物种植时没有使用杀虫剂或其他化学物质的唯一方法就是亲自了解你的农民. 幸运的你! 你可以亲自到农场去见道格. 他会告诉你HMF只使用天然肥料,不使用任何形式的喷雾剂.